
Dry Schema: Decouple Validations from Rails Models
Standard Ruby on Rails best practices suggest that we should define our validations on the model object. RoR gives you the tool, aka DSL (domain specific language), to implement these validations. For simple situations, say a signup form, this works really well, but what about more complicated scenarios? What if your model serves several different controllers? Or what if, for example, different types of users could submit different values to the same model? Do we want to use messy if
blocks to check the user
type and apply the correct set of validations? Probably not. So what’s the solution? Enter Dry-schema.

Sidekiq: Invalidate jobs without batches
So you have a bunch of jobs lined up in Sidekiq. But for some reason (user action, etc) you don’t need those jobs to execute anymore. So what do you do?

Trailblazer 2.1: Activity, the new Operation!
In Trailblazer 2.1, we are introduced to a new concept: Activity.
Unlike Trailblazer 2.0, where Operation was king, activities have taken over as the main orchestrator of business logic. Good old operations are still there, but now they act as a wrapper around activities. Its one and the same, except activities are more powerful! Don’t worry though, its super easy to pick up and its backward compatibility makes switching a breaze.