S3: A Flexible Approach to Uploading in Rails
S3, Amazon’s Simple Storage Service, is a cheap, scalable, highly available, and overall great solution for storing huge bits of data and thus reducing your database size. For a while now, we’ve realized that our database is on its path to becoming expensive and unmanageable due its massive size. So we decided to migrate some of that data over to S3.
In this article, I explain the approach we took to make any attribute S3able
We created a concern that could be included in any model and automatically upload the contents of a field to s3 on save and read from s3 on access. carrierwave gem is used to abstract API calls in addition to carrierwave-aws gem to setup AWS credentials.
module S3able
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
def self.included(klass)
def klass.s3able(column_name)
class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
self.mount_uploader :s3_#{column_name}, FileUploader
def #{column_name}
def #{column_name}=(contents)
current_time_txt_file = Time.now.to_f.to_s + ".txt"
file = Tempfile.new(current_time_txt_file)
self.s3_#{column_name} = file
The code basically hijacks the setter and getter for whatever field you pass into mount :field
inside your model. The getter uses the carrierwave object to retrieve and read the file. The setter creates a temp file and, again, uses carrierwave to upload the data into s3.
used inside the S3able
module just sets the store_dir
which directs carrierwave on how to create the path and your file in the s3 bucket. Here is how it’s written:
class FileUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
def store_dir
def extension_white_list
Now, if you drop s3able
into any model like this:
class YourModel
include S3able
s3able :your_field
You turn the setter of that field into a text file uploader and the getter into a file reader. It’s that simple.
Not that this approach would only work for new fields. It can also work for existing fields if you don’t care about the data. You need to tweak the S3able
concern to accommodate uploading existing data, but I hope this gives you a good starting point.